Podcast Guest Appearances
I deeply enjoy collaborating, connecting and chatting with others on podcasts and youtube. Checkout some of the places where I have been a guest. Links are included below!
ECE Honestly with Kayla Papalia: Anti-Racist Education
The Everything ECE Podcast with Carla Ward: Trauma-informed Care
The Play Based Learning Podcast EP 50 with Kristen Day: Embracing Pedagogical Documentation
ECE Honestly with Kayla Papalia: Entrepreneurship and Motherhood
The Inspiring ECE Podcast with Marcia Nicole: Uplifting Educators, Anas Journey in ECE
Want me to be a guest on your podcast? Feel free to email me or book a call with me.
My Children's Books
Years ago (before I had children) I had two large American Pointers who I wrote books about. The dogs have since passed away but they live on in my children's books, ‘The True Story of Duke and Dot’ as well as ‘Duke and Dot go for a Walk.’ You can find them on Amazon here.

On occasion, I am asked to be a guest writer in Educator journals. Here are a few of my publications and contributions to the ECE field as an educator.
Valle Rivera. A., (2022) Ethics, Screens, Technology and Childhood. Bridges: Technology in the Early Years, Fall 2022.
Valle Rivera. A., (2021) Social Justice in ECE. Bridges: Embracing Anti-Bias Education, Winter 2021.
Valle Rivera. A., (2021). Making it meaningful: inclusion & diversity. Early Learning Knowledge Exchange: The Diversity and Inclusion Issue, Spring 2021. 18.
Valle Rivera. A., (2020). Thinking beyond tolerance and inclusion to anti-biased and anti-racist approaches in early years. The Journal of Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia: The Anti-Racism Edition. 35(4), 5-7.
Valle Rivera. A., (2020). Normalizing conversations of diversity. ECE Racism Research Blog. Retrieved from: https://www.ece-racism-research.space/strategies-1/normalizing-conversations-of-diversity
Valle Rivera. A., (2019). Supporting a new culture of educators using the revised BC early learning framework. West Coast Child Care Resource Center Newsletter. Retrieved from: https://www.wstcoast.org/news-articles/articles/supporting-new-culture-educators-using-revised-early-learning-framework-2019
Valle Rivera. A., (2019). What is post modernism and why is it important to understanding the early learning framework (2019). West Coast Child Care Resource Center Newsletter. Retrieved from: https://www.wstcoast.org/news-articles/articles/what-post-modernism-early-childhood-education